
open class MecanumCmd @JvmOverloads constructor(    drive: KMecanumDrive,     leftStick: KStick,     rightStick: KStick,     scalars: Pose = Pose(1.0, 1.0, 1.0),     cubics: Pose = Pose(1.0, 1.0, 1.0),     constants: Pose = Pose(1.0, 1.0, 1.0)) : Cmd

TeleOp drive control command vector drive power is calculated with the function: f(x) = max(0, s * x * (kx^3 - k + 1)) * sgn(x) e.g. xPower = max(0, xScalar * leftStick.x * (xCubic * leftStick.x ^ 3 - xCubic + 1) see the desmos graph for an understanding of it

See also



KMecanumDrive reference


left gamepad joystick


right gamepad joystick


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fun MecanumCmd(    drive: KMecanumDrive,     leftStick: KStick,     rightStick: KStick,     scalars: Pose = Pose(1.0, 1.0, 1.0),     cubics: Pose = Pose(1.0, 1.0, 1.0),     constants: Pose = Pose(1.0, 1.0, 1.0))


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open override val isFinished: Boolean = false

Finish state of command

Inherited properties

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val name: String

The name of the command


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open override fun execute()

Main part of a command, called while command is running.

Inherited functions

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fun alongWith(vararg parallel: Cmd): ParallelGroup

Run n commands in parallel with this command, ending when all commands have ended

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fun andPause(seconds: Double): SequentialGroup

Pause for n seconds after this command ends

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fun andThen(vararg next: Cmd): SequentialGroup

Runs n commands sequentially after this command

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fun cancel()

Cancel command. KScheduler.cancel

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fun cancelIf(condition: () -> Boolean): RaceGroup

Cancels this command upon fulfilling a condition

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fun deadlineWith(vararg parallel: Cmd): DeadlineGroup

Runs n commands in parallel with this command, ending when this command ends

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open fun end()

Final part of a command, called when command finishes.

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open fun initialize()

First part of running a command, called on start of command.

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fun raceWith(vararg parallel: Cmd): RaceGroup

Run n commands in parallel with this command, ending when any of the commands has ended

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fun schedule()

Schedule command. Syntax sugar for KScheduler.schedule

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open override fun toString(): String
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operator fun unaryPlus()
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fun waitUntil(condition: () -> Boolean): SequentialGroup

Wait until a condition has been fulfilled to run this command

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fun withName(commandName: String): Cmd

Name the current command, which shows up in the logger.

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fun withTimeout(time: Double): RaceGroup

Cancels this command after some time if not finished


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